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地下室规范(Basement specification).doc

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地下室规范(Basement specification).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/7 文件大小:30 KB


地下室规范(Basement specification).doc



文档介绍:地下室规范(Basement specification)
Basement design
1. Control of basement scope
2. Buried depth of basement structure
3. Function allocation of each floor of basement
4. Determination of basement height
5. Principles of partment and smoke zoning in basement
6. Basement waterproof design
Two. Basement garage design
1. Building classification, fire classification and fire resistance rating of garages
2. partment and smoke prevention zone of underground garage
3. Safe evacuation
4. Economic emission of underground garage parking space
5, design points
Three. Basement equipment room design
1. General principles
2. Grade of fire door for equipment room
3. Quantity of safety exit
4, storey control
5, regulate the provisions of the relevant provisions
6. Building structure
Basement design
In terms of high-rise building design, basement design is an integral part of it, and it is also a plex and important part. Whether the basement design is reasonable will directly affect the project cost and even the normal use.
The basement is divided into semi basement, basement and multi storey basement according to the nature;
According to the use function is divided into: the bined, namely civil air defense engineering and garage; commercial housing, such as underground shopping malls, dance hall, and with building equipment.
We focus on the three part:
1. Basement design
2. Basement garage design
3. Design of equipment room attached to basement
Basement design
(1) control of basement scope: (overall design condition)
(depth of basement) is more than . In Shenzhen, the minimum area of the project is 2 ~ , and the basement must be within the red line, but the red line of the building can be removed.
(two) buried depth of basement structure:
The buried depth of the basement structure is designed to meet the stability requirements of the building, according to the new structure of the high specification:
A) H/18 pile foundation
B) H/15