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如何避免查重(How to avoid duplicate checking).doc

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如何避免查重(How to avoid duplicate checking).doc

上传人:zbfc1172 2017/11/7 文件大小:27 KB


如何避免查重(How to avoid duplicate checking).doc


文档介绍:如何避免查重(How to avoid duplicate checking)
At present, colleges and universities for master doctoral thesis, need to pass the plagiarism detection system to pass the test. For undergraduate students, most schools also take a random examination of undergraduate papers.
Copying too much, once found more than 30%, the consequences are serious. Light graduates delay their graduation. Hard to read a university, the degree of reimbursement is not good.
However, software is a manual mechanism after all, embedded detection algorithm inside, we just want to find out the mechanism, through simple modification, you can essfully pass the test.
This article is a collection of data on the web. Sort out the most important parts for your reference.
Plagiarism detection algorithm:
1. paragraphs and formats of the paper
Paper detection is basically the whole article upload, after uploading, the paper detection software first part of the division, the final document format submitted to the plagiarism rate has a great impact. The division of different paragraphs may result in the detection of small paragraphs of tens of words. Therefore, we can reduce plagiarism by dividing multiple short paragraphs.
2. database
Most of the papers are checked for published papers, journal articles, and conference papers. Some databases also contain some articles on the web. Here, to tell you, many books are not included in the detection database. Before a lot of text from a friend from the research work, is not checked out. It can be seen that this method is effective.
3. chapter transformation
Many students change the order of the chapter, or extract different chapters from different articles, and the articles have almost zero impact on the result of plagiarism detection. So, the author of plagiarism testing suggests that you don't think you can get through a few articles or dozens of articles.
4. mark references
How do you define the article and copy others' articles in the testing software