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姓名渊源 +复姓(Origin of name + surname).doc

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姓名渊源 +复姓(Origin of name + surname).doc

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姓名渊源 +复姓(Origin of name + surname).doc



文档介绍:姓名渊源+复姓(Origin of name + surname)
I. surname
plex [f (pronunciation, connected)]
It is speculated that the origin of the surname is related to the totem worship of ancestors. In the original Mongolian tribes, liberty times, the clan has its own totem worship, such as wheat, bears, snakes and so have our ancestors totem totem worship, this matter became a symbol of the tribe. Later became the code name of all members of the tribe, that is, the surname". Since the number of ancient clan tribes is limited and countable, pure surnames left in ancient times are rare.
According to the "spring and Autumn" after finishing out of the "old name": (a Gui Gui water now in Hebei Zhuolu), Si, Ji, (Zhou Royal surname), wind, Ying (Qin Xing), and Ren, Kyrgyzstan, Qian, Cao, Qi, Yun, ginger, Dong, Yan and GUI Manchester, MI, (Chu Xing), Wei (the original North minority surname), paint (from), allowed 22 surname. Nearly half of these surnames have female characters. Therefore, it is speculated that the surname may be produced in the matriarchal society. Mr. Zhang Taiyan and other scholars from the "Shuowen", "The Classic of the Great Wilderness", Oracle and bronze objects than ancient literature to sort out dozens of ancient surnames (about 59 to 52, Zhang Taiyan, and others in the inscriptions in Lei 7), so in addition to the original but also 80, you can see and this is only a part of the actual existence of the ancient name, the original name is certainly more than that. The other has been lost. But one thing is for sure, at that time, the surname was never the surname we talked about today. Here we can list a number of
representative names of surnames from ancient times to the present.
Origin of 1. surnames
The first source: source to win surname, from the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan's seventh Daibo nebula, which belongs to the family name or fief.
According to historical records, there are seventh generations of Dian Dian and eighteenth generations of Huangdi xuanyuan. He c