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安东尼nac(Anthony NAC).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/8 文件大小:26 KB


安东尼nac(Anthony NAC).doc


文档介绍:安东尼nac(Anthony NAC)
Anthony NAC
All human actions are designed to escape pain and pleasure, which can change our old behavior and shape new behavior.
Here I would like to introduce you to a set of methods, can effectively help you get the desired change, this method I called nerve chain alignment technique "(Neuro-Associative Conditioning), or may be referred to as NAC, it is by avoiding pain and the pursuit of happiness is to reflect the nature of our the nervous system, instead of the will to pursue what we expect in life.
When we can control the nerve chain, also will be able to grasp their own life, I will tell you how to adjust it below, make you a negative habit by following the past, excitement and dreams e up with the exact action.
There are basically two kinds of changes that everyone wants in life,
One is our cognition,
One is our behavior.
In order to be essful, it is necessary to link the old behavior with the pain and connect the new behavior with the happiness.
Change can not depend on will alone, because that effect can
not last long.
NAC is a discipline that I use to teach people to change, and it provides people with a specific set of steps to make lasting changes. If you want to change quickly and consistently, you have to have two beliefs first:
The first belief is that change can be done right away.
A lot of people think that change can't be done quickly, and if it can, it means there's no problem. Don't forget, since we can make problems quickly, we can find the answers quickly.
The second belief is that you should be responsible for changing yourself. If you don't do it well, don't blame anyone else. This responsibility can be divided into three parts:
1, we must be convinced that "something must be changed" - remember, "must" rather than "ought" to change.
2, we must also believe that "I must push the change" - if you want to make lasting changes, you must change the protagonist.
3, we also have to believe that "I have the ab