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中西方饮食文化差异 Sino-Western cultural differences in food culture
Clothing, food, housing and transport are the most basic human survival activities, in all times, States, from content and form for each shown national, all showing the processes and standards for the development of human civilization. "People make food for days," food is an important part of human social life, from food materials acquisition, production, processing, storage and transportation, top shelf, sale and cooking styles, food and customs, are reflected in different countries, different national production patterns, character, cultural traditions, aesthetic fashion, creativity, as well as philosophical, ethical and moral concepts. Not only that, but due to different geographical features, different countries, different ethnic food culture also carries a special place in culture. There is a certain amount of differences of Chinese and Western culture
中餐餐饮文化 Chinese food culture
Chinese food culture has a long history, is an important part of the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, France, and Turkey cooking and says the world's three major cooking system, but also our sons and proud and proud of it. Cultural connotations of the Chinese food culture has a colorful and strong solid technical foundation, as the core, for pension purposes, is the fruit of cultural, scientific, artistic, and different geographic locations, different ethnic groups, have different styles but the same unmatched dining culture. Va


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