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上传人:cdsqbyl 2017/11/10 文件大小:91 KB





关键词:中小企业, 融资结构, 融资渠道, 融资效率
The financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises are prevalent in the world. In the western developed countries, due to improve the financial support system, active and developed financial markets, sound laws and regulations, so that the problem has been more effective mitigation. In the current special economic system development stage, due to the national financial support system is not perfect, the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, the financial market is not standardized, the development of their own business and other reasons, the financing problem is particularly prominent, and has been e a bottleneck to curb the development of small and medium enterprises in China. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises in China and give countermeasures.
This paper studies the current situation and deep causes of the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, and draws lessons from the advanced experiences and methods of solving the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad, and tries to find out the current economic characteristics and present situation Some practical countermeasures. So as to be able to solve this problem, so that China's small and medium enterprises really get rid of the financing difficulties, so that China's national economy in the full display of its unique charm for China's economic take-off, national revitalization and make due contributions


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