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Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra
Translated by Dr. J. C. Cleary ---- Mind-Seal of Buddhas
Humbly Revised by Dr. Edwin Sha 沙行勉 based on my understanding of the scriptures.
Version: December 2008. This one has Essence and Introduction Parts.
The Buddhas took pity on all the deluded sentient beings, and taught them based on the opportunities and the various potentials of these deluded sentient beings. Although there is no difference in the ultimate goal as we take the Buddha’s teaching: ., returning ourselves to our pure mind, many different expedient methods are employed.
Among all these expedients, if we seek the most direct and fast, and the most perfect and sudden, none is as good as seeking birth in the Pure Land through Buddha-remembrance. The simplest and most reliable one among all the methods of Buddha-Remembrance is to develop faith and vows and to concentrate on reciting the Buddha-name.
The Amitabha Sutra shows that the method of reciting the Buddha-name applied to people with different capacities. It passes the level of phenomena and the level of inner truth (noumenon), omitting nothing. It embraces all sections of Buddhism and Scriptures of Buddhism, and leaves nothing out. This method is indeed inconceivably great. This is the reason that the ancients took the Amitabha Sutra as their daily study guide, though three Pure Land scriptures (as Amitabha Sutra is one of them) have circulated side by side in the world over the generations.
There have been many people ment upon and explain the Amitabha Sutra. Over time, many of mentaries have been oblivion and nowadays not many survive. Master Yun-Qi (Lian-Chi, 1535-1615) wrote his extensive and mentary and my senior f