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英国文学论文 苔丝.doc

上传人:buhouhui915 2017/11/16 文件大小:39 KB


英国文学论文 苔丝.doc



文档介绍:Causes of Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Abstract: Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the greatest novel of British famous writer
Thomas Hardy, describes the unfortunate, short life of a poor peasant girl, Tess. It is also a realistic novel which reflects the miserable fate of the individual farmer of England in the late of 19th century. Tess’s tragedy is a true portrayal of the poor of her time. The cause of her tragedy is always a concern of people.
Key words: Tess;destiny tragedy; accidental tragedy; psychological determinism
What is the dominant force that leads to the tragedy of Tess? Why is inevitable for her to avoid the unfortunate fate? It is a key to analyze this female image. In the novel, the author, Hardy offered the whole society a thoughtful question through the tragic sufferings of Tess. He said: Such a beautiful girl, who is so sensitive like gossamer and at that time so pure like snow. Why did it happen to her fate to be covered with that rough shadow? The profound philosophy from thousands of years is not able to explain the fact according to the traditional concept on order. A series of questions and confusion of the author, all of these just prove the necessity to find out the essential cause of Tess’ tragedy.
The destiny tragedy opinion scholar thought that the unfortunate of Tess’ life results from heredity gene of her noble blood, and the presage of certain inauspicious fate. The scholars prove it by quoting the sight line from the other characters in the novel. The ancestor of Tess is the old knight aristocrats. Although her forefathers had been reduced to poverty, neither rich nor famous any longer, she was still the descendant of the D’Urbervilles family, the noble blood relationship. And it is easily for her to e enamored. Besides, her obedience is also a deadly cause for tragedy. When she was in first sight of Angel Clare, evidently, she was enamored for him, but Clare did not dance with her. At last Tess was raped by this bloodthir