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文档介绍:Disney World
The Little Mermaid( 小美人鱼)
The Little Mermaid lives at the sea bottom with her father the Sea King, her grandmother, and her five older sisters. When she turns 15 she ventures to the surface, saves a prince and falls in love with him.
The Little Mermaid( 小美人鱼)
In order to be with the prince, The Little Mermaid uses her voice exchange a pair of legs with the Sea Witch. Then she meets the prince, but the prince just take her as a sister and falls in love with another princess.
The Little Mermaid( 小美人鱼)
In the end, the prince and that princess married, The Little Mermaid turned into a pile of bubble sadly.
Cinderella( 灰姑娘)
Cinderella was a beautiful and smart girl. Her mother had died and her father had married again. Her stepmother had two ugly daughters, they treated her as a servant. Cinderella never give up her loving-dream.
The prince from door to door for Cinderella and they met again at last. Since then, they lived a happy life.
Cinderella( 灰姑娘)
The Lion King( 狮子王)
Simba. Also Simba was led to believe by Scar that it had been
his fault, so he fled the kingdom in shame. He lived with two outcasts, a meerkat named Timone and a warthog named pumbaa, until he is fully-grown.
A young lion prince, Simba, was born in Africa, his uncle Scar want to ascend the throne, so he kill the King Mufasa and Prince
The Lion King( 狮子王)
He adopted their "worry-free" philosophy, forgetting his past and his heritage. After years of exile, a childhood friend runs into him by accident, and persuaded him to take his responsibility. He returned home and overthrew his uncle, claimed the kingdom as his own.
Snow White and Seven Dwarfs( 白雪公主和七个小矮人)
Snow White was a young and beautiful princess. Her stepmother was envious of her beauty and wanted to kill her. So Snow White escaped from the palace to the forest and lived
with the Seven Dwarfs. Unfortunately because of her simpleness. She is poisoned by her stepmother.


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