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文档介绍:Chemistry English
State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces
In Greek atomos means “indivisible”.
Atomic theory: if the matter were divided a sufficient number of times, it could eventually be reduced to the indivisible, indestructible particles called atom.
Chapter 3 Atoms
Presented by the British chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) in the early 1800s.
It is one of the greatest advances in the history of chemistry.
“Whether matter be atomic or not, this much is certain, that granting it to be atomic, it would appear as it now does.”(by Micheal Faraday (1794-1867) and . Dumas(1800-1884))
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
The main points of the Atomic Theory include:
a) The ultimate particles of elements are atoms.
b) Atoms are indestructible.
c) Elements consist of only one kind of atom.
d) Atoms of different elements differ in mass and in other properties.
e) Compounds consist of molecules (which Dalton called “compound atoms”), which form from simple and bination of different kinds of atoms.
Drawbacks of the Atomic Theory
Points 2 and 3 of Dalton’s Atomic Theory do not agree with modern experimental evidence because atoms can be broken down and atoms of one particular element can differ in mass.
With the discovery of atoms came the chemical alphabet of element symbols.
Dalton chose the circle as the symbol for oxygen and represented all other elements by variations of the circle.
These early primitive symbols evolved into the modern system of using one or two letters of the English alphabet.
Element Symbols
Modern system of element symbols
The first letter is always a capital and the second, if there is one, a lower case.
The symbols are often formed from the first letter of the element name or from the first letter along with one other.
., B stands for the element boron, Ba for barium, Be for beryllium, and Bk for berkelium.(锫, belongs to the Actinium(锕) series.)
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