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文档介绍:American evils VS Chinese evils
As we all know, there is always something that cannot just be explained by science, and we usually call it “supernatural power”. And it has been a popular theme not only in Chinese films but also in American ones in recent years. So today, let us do some interesting digging into it together when the supernatural power is expressed on the screen by different cultures. Then could you guess what’s the result when the two different culture about supernatural power meet with each other? All in all Let’s find the answer together!
American ghost:
Representative work:
Invisible and impalpable(摸不到的)
No real body
Cannot touch or move anything
Good man brought to heaven by angle
Bad man dragged to hell by evils
Chinese ghost:
Representative work:
A wicked ghost(山村老尸)
Make illusion to kill people
Man died peacefully will go to a reincarnation(转世轮回)
Man who died badly or have wishes plete will e a ghost
American vampire
Representative work:
The vampire diaries(吸血鬼日记)
The twilight saga(暮光之城)
Young and handsome or beautiful
Fast speed
Strong power
Cold body
Immortal (不朽的)
Feed on mainly blood(human or animal)
Nocturnality (夜间活动的****惯)
Afraid of sunshine,blood from dead body,garlic,cross,fire,silver bullet,etc
Chinese vampire
Representative work
The twins effect(千机变)
Sleep in the coffin
Eyes with different colors
Killed by special sword or other things
Many interesting element
Mostly, same as the foreign movies
They call vampire as zombie
American zombie
Representative works:
Resident evil(生化危机)
Cause: some special virus or insect
Could active under the sun
Stiff limbs and easy to break
No sense, memory ,intellect and desire except hunger for fresh flesh
Head is very vulnerable
Always occur in great numbers in one movie
Chinese zombie
Representative works:
Movies mainly acted by Lam Ching-ying(林正英)
Cause:one breathe didn’t give out before death
Always wear the clothes of Qing dynasty
No sense, memor