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文档介绍:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.
Teaching and Learning Goals:
Learn some new words about rules in school in Unit4 in one class. Learn to use these new words: rule、hall、dish 、luck、 hair、 arrive、 listen、 fight、 wear、 bring、 practice、 relax、 read、 feel、 remember、 follow、 keep、 learn、 sorry、 important 、quiet、 more、 noisy、 dirty、 terrible 、strict 、outside、 out、 before. Try to spell the words in this unit without looking books. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases by using all kinds of ways.
Teaching and learning steps Learn to read the words on P19-P23
try to read the words using the ics by themselves.
2. Read after the tape.
read with their partners in groups.
4. Get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciations. Follow the teacher because they can hear the teacher pronounce the word clearly and correctly.
aloud and the teacher walks around to see if they have any question. Get some individual students to read again to see if everyone can read correctly.
Remember the words by looking at pictures.
We must following the rules in school.
I don’t like school, but the rules let all of us go to school.
So I have to go to school.
A: Can we eat in the dining hall?
B: Yes, we can eat in the dining hall.
A: Can we run in the hallways?
B: No, we can’t. We can’t run
in the hallways.
A:Can we arrive late for class ?
B: No , we can’t. We have to arrive at school on time.
A: Can we play it in the classrooms?
B: No, we can’t. But we can play it outside.
There’s a gym class today. I have to wear uniform.


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