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Modeling Interactions in Artificial Trans.pdf

上传人:Q+1243595614 2017/11/19 文件大小:422 KB


Modeling Interactions in Artificial Trans.pdf



文档介绍:Proceedings of the IEEE ITSC 2006
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference
Toronto, Canada, September 17-20, 2006
Modeling Interactions in Artificial Transportation Systems
Fenghua Zhu, Zhixue Wang, Fei-Yue Wang, Fellow, IEEE, Shuming Tang

Abstract—Agents and interactions between them are two key In order to solve this problem, professor Fei-Yue Wang
roles in modeling artificial transportation systems. This paper presented the concept of artificial transportation systems
presents a formal theory to describe interactions between agents, (ATS) [1], [3], [4]. The main idea is to use the theories and
which, together with the well developed models to describe methods of artificial society and upgrade traffic simulation
components as agents, completes the first step towards method to higher level and wider perspective. According to
establishing the formal structure for artificial transportation the definition, we can “develop” and “cultivate”
systems. By describing individual agents and the interactions
transportation systems, ., ATS, using agent-based
between them as independent simple sequence processes and
munication channels respectively, we models the technologies. Utilizing ATS, we can test one specific traffic
whole system as one munications system, which is management system, and repeat the test conveniently


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