【摘要】目的:评估持续口服小剂量西地那非、佐洛复、百优解治疗早泄及停药后的疗效。方法:191例早泄病人随机归入3组,接受为期3个月的西地那非、佐洛复、百优解治疗。记录各组病人在治疗前、治疗后以及治疗停药2个月、3个月中国早泄指数评估表(CIPE)评分及性双方对性生活的满意程度。比较各组及组间在各阶段的CIPE评分。结果:3组对象治疗前CIPE分别为(±)、(±)和(±)分,差异无显著性(P );治疗3个月后分别为(±)、(±)和(±)分;停药2个月后为(±)、(±)和(±)分。停药3个月后西地那非组CIPE为(±)分。3组病人药物治疗3个月后CIPE较治疗前均有显著性升高(P )。组间除佐洛复组与百忧解组差异无显著性外,西地那非组与其它两组间差异均有显著性(P )。药物治疗后,3组对象夫妻性生活满意度明显改善,从高到低依次为:西地那非组、百忧解组、佐洛复组。西地那非组停药2个月后与治疗前CIPE差异有显著性(P );停药3个月后CIPE仍高于治疗前基线水平,%病人仍具有较好疗效。佐洛复组及西地那非组停药2月后CIPE显著降低, ejaculation (PE), and to observe the effects in each treatment group after drug et our study criteria ly into three groups and then received 3-month treatment of Sildenafil,Sertraline and Fluoxetine, respectively. The curative effects in each group of patients before treatment, after treatment and after onths and 3 months using the methods of Chinese index of sexual function for premature ejaculation (CIPE) and the sex life satisfactory degree from both sides ent,there ong Sildenafil-group, Sertraline-group and Fluoxetine-group (±,± and ±,respectively). After 3-month treatment, the CIPE onths after drug ent and post treatment in each group (P ). In addition, The significant difference betonth treatment proved obviously after treatment, t