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It was said that a farmer had received a hungry boy in a snowy Christmas night where he had eaten a sumptuous Christmas dinner, and the child had bid farewell to a fir tree branch and blessed and said, Today, the gift is full of branches, leaving this beautiful fir village, repay your kindness. After the child left, the farmer found that tree branches actually turned into a small tree, he realized that he received the original is a messenger of God The This story is the source of the Christmas tree.
In the West, whether or not Christians, have a Christmas tree to prepare a Christmas tree to increase the joy of the festival. Christmas trees are usually made of evergreen trees such as cedar, a symbol of life forever. The tree is decorated with a variety of candles, color flowers, toys, stars, hang a variety of Christmas gifts. Christmas night, people singing and dancing around the Christmas tree, enjoy the joy.
Modern people are busy handling their work with fierce you come back home after work,your children,parents and lots of housework are waiting for you,busy pressure of both work and life always make you feel no roads left as well as no place to have a are too many people crazy about their work in spite of rests which exists not only in China but also the whole world,as a phenomenon in no respect of the health.
The insecurity is closely connected with everybodys to the research of the professors,sleeping should rank about one third of peoples ,the lack of sleeping has been becoming the most common and serious problems which is harmful to peoples health caused by work or entertainment.
Lack of outdoor the highly developed material and cultural life,people prefer to stay in the rooms with air-conditioner,TV and computers and go out by car so that they get away from the sunshine and fresh air,always staying ,at least one hour should be spared to go to the countryside for the sunshine and the fresh air with high negative oxygen ion,getting away from the noisy city,and thus is good for adjusting the nervous system.