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上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/27 文件大小:31 KB





Thunder ()
* fixed a non administrator account startup crash problem under WinXP
* optimized file error correction logic
* optimizing the on-demand dragging, reducing waiting time
* optimize the live broadcast and play more fluid
Thunder ()
* support live broadcast
* support collection notification function
* strengthening secure download services
* support vista, xp sp3 semi open connection number modification
Thunder ()
* better support for Vista SP1 system environment
* modifying some environments to use the thunderbolt disconnection problem
* corrected the problem of speed limit
Resolve some of the 486 version crashes
Thunder ()
* new ponents have been added
* community support and chat with friends, to improve the performance of landing
Optimize the quality of Thunder KanKan VOD
* fixed a thunder and IE lead to the collapse of the user in time is greater than the case of the 2038
Thunder ()
Optimize the quality of Thunder KanKan VOD
Thunder ()
* solution with version 466 of the IE7 right click "open" in a new tab function conflict
Thunder ()
* munity can not solve the coverage problem of login
Thunder ()
* support for download of more forum attachments
* optimized the quality of Thunder KanKan VOD
* optimizing the edge following multicast scheduling
* added some video site FLV download detection
* fixed open a BT seed file may lead to the collapse of the BUG
Thunder ()
* optimizes the download speed of video files
* Thunder KanKan supports modifying cache directories
* added


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