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John Milton.ppt

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John Milton.ppt



文档介绍:John Milton (1608-1674)
John Bunyan (28 November 1628 – 31 August 1688) was an English Christian writer and preacher(传教士,牧师), famous for writing The Pilgrim‘s Progress(《天路历程》).
The representative of The Puritans ['pjuritn] Literature(清教徒文学) writers are John Bunyan(约翰·班扬1628-1688) and John Milton(约翰·弥尔顿1608-1674).Their representative works are The Pilgrim’s Progress(《天路历程》) from John Bunyan and Paradise Lost(《失乐园》) from John Milton.
Main article: John Milton's religion
Like many Renaissance artists before him, Milton attempted to integrate Christian theology with classical modes. In his early poems, the poet narrator expresses a tension between vice and virtue, the latter invariably [in‘vɛəriəbli]不变化地 related to Protestantism. us Milton may make ironic [ai’rɔnik]反语的,讽刺的 use of the Caroline (Charles I of England )court masque by elevating notions见解 of purity纯洁,纯粹 and virtue over the conventions of court revelry [‘revlri]狂欢 and superstition迷信. In his later poems, Milton’s theological concerns e more explicit直率的,明确的. In 1648 he wrote a hymn [him] 赞美诗 How lovely are thy dwelling fair, a paraphrase of Psalm [sɑ:m]圣诗,圣歌, that explains his view on God.
Protestantism [‘prɔtistəntizm]新教
Protestantism is one of the three major groupings (Catholicism [kə‘θɔlisizim] 天主教, Orthodoxy [’ɔ:θədɔksi] 东正教, and Protestantism) within Christianity [ˌkristi‘æniti]基督教. It is a movement that began