摘要 1
引言 3
1 物流信息化 3
物流信息化的内容 3
实现我国物流信息化的途径 4
2 煤炭企业生产流程分析 5
3 煤矿生产物流系统及其分类 6
生产供应物流 7
煤炭生产物流 7
煤矿生产物流的特点 7
煤矿生产物流实施信息化的作用 8
4 煤矿生产物流信息化体系构建 9
煤矿物流信息化的实施目标 9
物流信息化的功能体系 9
煤矿生产物流信息化的数据体系结构 9
煤矿生产物流实施信息化的障碍 11
结束语 13
致谢 14
参考文献 15
For a long time, the efficiency of coal industry in our country is much lower than those of other countries. Some materials show that annual production of a coal miner in . is 12000 tons, and the production of one is only 234 tons in the national major colliery of China! Disparity means potential.
The systematic theory, reliability theory, industrial engineering theory, mining engineering theory, information system theory and method are used and carried on deep research to logistics system of the colliery production in the dissertation.
The concept of production logistics system in the colliery is proposed, which helps to establish the logistics system of colliery. For guaranteeing the high-efficient operation of colliery production logistics system, this dissertation probed into effective implement information system of colliery production logistics system, put forward to transform the production work flows according to the demand of information flow and set up effective and normative production management system so as to meet the increasing change and the need of petitive market.
The research results of this dissertation will offer theory support to structure the logistics systems of collieries.
Keywords : Colliery,Production Logistics System,Informat