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文档介绍:核桃的营养价值和保健功效 The nutritional value and health care efficacy of walnut
核桃的营养价值核桃营养丰富,是世界“四大”干果之一。据测定,每百克含蛋白质 克,
Nutritional value of walnut walnut rich nutrition, is one of the "big four" dried fruit in the world. According to the determination of each hectogram including protein grams,
脂肪 克,核桃中的脂肪 71%为亚油酸,12%为
grams of fat, fat in walnut 71% linoleic acid, 12%
亚麻酸,碳水化合物 克,膳食纤维 克,胡
Linolenic acid, carbohydrate grams, grams of dietary fibre, hu
萝卜素 30 微克,维生素 毫克,钾 385 毫克
Radish (30 micrograms, vitamin mg, potassium 385 mg
锰 毫克,钙 56 毫克,磷 294 毫克,铁 毫
Manganese mg, 56 mg calcium, phosphorus 294 mg, iron is mm
克,硒 微克,锌 毫克人。就营养成分比
G, micrograms of selenium, zinc mg. Nutrients than
较来说,核桃营养价值是大豆的 倍,花生的 6
Relatively speaking, walnut nutritional value is times that of soybean peanut 6
倍,鸡蛋的 12 倍,牛奶的 25 倍,(1 斤核桃仁相
12 times times, eggs, milk 25 times, (phase 1 catty walnuts
当于 5 斤鸡蛋或 9 斤牛奶的营养价值)肉类的 10倍。核桃含有大量的钙、磷、铁,不但可以润肤,
When the 5 catties eggs or 9 jin of the nutritional value of milk) 10 times as much meat. Walnuts contain large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, not only can embellish skin,
And early prevention and treatment of hair to bleach and loss effect.
The second
Walnut health care efficacy of walnuts in enhance the human body health, is an important material of proprietary Chinese medicine, qi, blood, cough phlegm, embellish lung, kidney, nourish the skin, and other functions. According to the records of history
There is a lot better and also eating walnuts as a vegetarian family
The main fruit raw xiu yan. In recent years some cancer patients, often eat
With walnut, pay for food or walnut meat processing, there was an obvious control cancer spread
Spread the positive effectiveness; And p


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