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戏剧旁白dramatic monologue.ppt

上传人:012luyin 2017/12/1 文件大小:108 KB


戏剧旁白dramatic monologue.ppt



文档介绍:Dramatic monologue
Dramatic monologue, prone to be mistakenly recognized as an element of the play, is a type of lyric poetry written in a form of a speech of an individual character (also called “persona” or “mask”) to his or her auditors (listener).
It consists of the following attributes:
The speaker in the poem is obviously unidentical to the poet himself, who narrates the entire poem in a particular situation at a critical moment.
The purport of the form is to inadvertently reveal the speaker’s character, temperament, history, and interior psychology instead of the subject discussed in it.
3. The form parallels the novelistic experiment with the point of view in which the reader is privileged to make an assessment of the intelligence and credence of the speaker.
4. The auditor’s presence and response are merely presumed from the clues of the discourse of the single speaker.
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Poet: T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), American. His fame as a modern poet and critic was established after the publication of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1815), Prufrock and Other Observations (1917), The Sacred Wood (1920), and The Waste Land (1922).
As a poet and critic living through two catastrophic world wars, his poems dwelled upon people’s disillusionment toward modern civilization and spiritual emptiness.
His contribution to the modern criticism is marked by his critical principle----impersonalism and his sense of history.
He declared “poetry is not a turning loose of emotion but an escape from emotion. It is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality."
The title of The Love Song suggests two contrasting elements: “the love song” of Prufrock and his attempted loveless courtship.
It is an examination of the tortured psyche of the prototypical modern man--overeducated, eloquent, neurotic, and emotionally stilted. Prufrock, the poem's speaker, seems to be addressing a potential lover, with whom he wo


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