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医学院校硕士研究生英语读与写课件unit 9.ppt

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医学院校硕士研究生英语读与写课件unit 9.ppt

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医学院校硕士研究生英语读与写课件unit 9.ppt


文档介绍:医学院校硕士研究生英语 读与写
English for Master Students in Medical Universities
China Renmin University Press
主编: 张海萍张华君殷红梅
编者: 闵楠苏萍任雁
课件制作主编: 郑守志刘娟
课件审阅人: 美籍专家James Boulton
Unit 9
Text A
Organ Transplantation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Choices
Background information to Text A
Analysis of the text
Global analysis of the text
Analysis of the text structure
Summary of the text
Reference answers to the exercises
Background information to Text A
Introduction to the topic
Transplantation is the transfer of a tissue an, alive or dead, within an individual, between individuals of the same species, or between individuals of different species.
Background information to Text A
Introduction to the topic
In most cases, human material for transplantation is obtained from a deceased donor. essful programs for the procurement of human material for transplantation from deceased donors from various cultural, religious and economic backgrounds constitute potential models. The need munities, including health professionals, to e better educated about transplantation is widely recognized as a key to the ess of such programs.
Background information to Text A
Introduction to the topic
However, despite the frequent use of materials donated from deceased donors, the donation of materials from living donors is necessary for some types of transplants or pensate for the limited supply of material available from deceased donors in order to meet patient needs. Living donation is thus practiced despite the fact that it involves risks for the donor that may not be negligible.
Background information to Text A
Introduction to the topic
The procurement of human material for transplantation from deceased or living donors and the subsequent allogeneic transplantation entail ethical and safety risks for both the donor and the recipient.


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