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上传人:buhouhui915 2017/12/8 文件大小:50 KB





Sorry, I can't speak English. Could you do me a favor? 对不起我不会讲英语。能帮我一个忙吗
 Where is the restroom? Thank you so much. 请问洗手间在哪儿谢谢。 Where is the Baggage Claim? Thank you so much. 请问行李认领处在哪儿谢谢。 These are our boarding passes, could you tell us where the gate is and how to get
there? 这是我们的登机牌请您告诉我们怎么去这个登机口。

Could you do me a favor to help me put my bag on the rack? 请您帮忙将我的旅行袋放到架子上好吗
 Excuse me, could you bring me a cup of tea? 劳驾您给我倒杯茶
Excuse me, may I have a cup of water? 劳驾您给我倒杯水
Excuse me, may I have one blanket? 劳驾您给我拿条毛毯。
Could you help me adjust the air flow? It's blowing right on me. 您能不能帮我调整一下这个气流它正吹着我的头。
Could you help me turn off the reading light? 您能不能帮我关掉我座位上面的小灯
Could you help me adjust my seat, I would like to lie back and take a nap. 您能不能帮我调整我的座位我想躺平点小睡一会。
Where is the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪儿

常用词汇[转机时在机场里可能要用的词汇] 
Flight Number, Flight No. 航班号
Gate 登机口
North 北 South 南 East 东 West 西
Level 1 第一层楼 Level 2 第二层楼 Level 3 第三层楼 Shuttle 机场小巴
Baggage Claim 行李认领
Connecting flights counter 转机服务台
Boarding Pass 登机牌
Exit 出口 Emergency Exit 紧急出口只用作紧急状况时 T
erminal 机场终端出口
Telephone 电话
American Airlines 美国航空公司
Restroom 洗手间 Men's 男洗手间 Gentleman 男洗手间 Women's 女洗手间 Ladies女洗手间
Airport 机场 Air Ticket 飞机票
Arrival 抵达
Belt 带, 传送带
Date 日期 Time 时间
Departure 出发 Domestic 国内 Take off 起飞
Customer 顾客, 乘客
Elevator, Lift 电梯
Employee Only 只限工作人员进入
Information 信息 Information Center 问讯处
International 国际
No Entry 勿进 No Smoking 严禁吸烟 No Cellphone 严禁手机 No Photo/Camera 严禁拍照
[过海关可能要用的词汇] 
China 中国 Chinese 中国人
Customs 海关 Customs declaration 海关申报表
Foreign 外国的 Foreigner 外国人
Immigration 入境 Itinerary 行程
I-20 form 留学生身分表 I-94 form 出入境表
Name 姓名 Nationals 国民
Officer 官员
Passport 护照
Tax Free, duty free 免税
Tourist 游客 United States (.) 美国
Visa 签证

[在飞机上用的词汇] 
Water 水 Tea 茶
Orange Juice 橙汁 Apple Juice 苹果汁 Coke 可乐 Sprite 雪碧 Pillow 枕头 Blanke