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文档介绍:中华物理医学与康复杂志2008年4月第30卷第4期Chin J Phys Med Rehabil, April 2008, , ·基础研究·
【摘要】目的研究康复训练对脑梗死大鼠运动功能及梗死灶边缘皮质生长相关蛋白(GAP43)、突触囊泡蛋白(SYN)表达的影响。方法采用Longa等的线栓法制作大鼠左侧大脑中动脉闭塞(MCAO)模型,76只成年SD大鼠随机分成康复训练组(n=32)、对照组(n=32)和假手术组(n=12)。康复训练组从术后48 h开始每天予以自制滚筒、平衡木、转棒等训练;对照组与假手术组则置于普通笼内饲养,不予以任何针对性训练。3组大鼠在造模后第3,7,21,35天分别进行运动功能评分,同时以免疫组化(IHC)方法观察梗死灶边缘皮质GAP43与SYN蛋白的表达。结果在造模后7,21,35 d,康复训练组大鼠的运动功能评分均优于对照组(P<)。与此同时,康复训练组梗死灶边缘皮质GAP43阳性神经元数量在造模后7,21 d均多于对照组(P<)和假手术组(P<);康复训练组梗死灶边缘皮质SYN平均灰度值在造模后21,35 d均多于对照组(P<)和假手术组(P<)。在造模后3 d,不论是运动功能评分,还是GAP43阳性神经元数量、SYN平均灰度值,康复训练组与对照组间差异均无统计学意义(P>)。结论康复训练能促进脑梗死大鼠运动功能的恢复,其机制可能与梗死灶边缘皮质GAP43、SYN的表达上调有关。
The effects of rehabilitative training on motor function and expression of GAP43 and SYN in rats with local cerebral infarctionHU Xiquan, ZHENG Haiqing, YAN Tiebin, PAN Sanqiang, MA Shangfeng. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510630, China
Corresponding author: YAN Tiebin, Email: @
【Abstract】Objective To study the effects of rehabilitative training on motor function and expression of GAP43 and SYN in rats with local cerebral infarction. MethodsA total of 76 male adult SpragueDawley rats were randomly divided into a rehabilitative training group (n=32), a control group (n=32), and a shamoperated group (n=12). All the rats were subjected to left middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) with the suture occlusion. Motor training programs including balancing, grasping, rotating and walking exercises were administered to the rats of the rehabilitative training group at 48 hours postoperation, while those of other two groups were reared in their original living status without any special training. The animals were given behavioral tests with Bederson test, balancing wood test, net screen test to assess the functional e, and immunohistochemistry staining was employe