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低碳经济下的金融发展与金融创新(Financial development and financial innovation under low carbon economy).doc

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低碳经济下的金融发展与金融创新(Financial development and financial innovation under low carbon economy).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/12/12 文件大小:29 KB


低碳经济下的金融发展与金融创新(Financial development and financial innovation under low carbon economy).doc



文档介绍:低碳经济下的金融发展与金融创新(Financial development and financial innovation under low carbon economy)
Abstract: faced with the rapid development of low-carbon economy, traditional financial theory and practice has been unable to meet the requirements of the era of low-carbon economy, it is necessary to carry out financial innovation to adapt to and promote the development of low-carbon economy. Under the background of low carbon economy development, financial development and financial innovation have new characteristics, facing new opportunities and challenges, China should actively develop carbon finance to promote the development of low-carbon economy.
Key words: low carbon economy; financial development; financial innovation
CLC number: document identification code: A article number: 1003-3890 (2010) 09-0021-05
Finance is the core of the modern economy, and the development of the financial industry plays a special role and significance in the development of the national economy. Throughout history, every economic leap all cannot do without the support of financial innovation and financial development, the rapid development of the first industrial revolution of the joint-pany system cannot do without the support of information, fueling pletion of the industrial revolution due to the risk of investment. Today, in the post financial crisis period, the development of low-carbon economy has e the consensus of governments, low carbon is ing
a new round of economic growth boosters. Financial development and financial innovation is the eternal topic of financial industry, facing the rapid development of low carbon economy trend, the traditional financial theory and practice has been unable to meet the demands of low carbon economy era, it is necessary to carry out financial innovation, in order to adapt to the development of low carbon economy.
Scholars at home and abroad generally believe that in the era of low carbon economy, carbon finance should be the main areas of