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美语怎么说 (换位思考).doc

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美语怎么说 (换位思考).doc

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美语怎么说 (换位思考).doc



文档介绍:英语科学案序号B6U2-课外3 高二年级11 班教师邱贵兴学生
Book 6 Unit 2 课外3
Step 1 How to say it in America English(美语怎么说) Listen and fill in the blanks.
YM: Hey Jessica! How's it going? 你怎么看起来气呼呼的?
Jessica: I am angry! One of my friends said she's going e visit me, but she _1___________her trip at the last minute. I've saved my _2____________weekend for her.
YM: 啊?这可真扫兴,不过你有没有问她,为什么不来了呢?
Jessica: She said a very important ing to town over the weekend, and _4________________________________________________________________________.
YM: 哦,原来是这样。你想想,你朋友刚开始工作,能有这么好的接触大客户的机会,你应该为她高兴呀。试着换位思考一下嘛。
Jessica: 换位思考?哦,我知道了。You're telling me to_5________________________________. Yeah, I guess I'm being a little harsh.
YM: 对啊,她一定也很想跟好朋友过个休闲的周末。But sometimes you've got to _6_____________________________________ for work, especially when you're new at your job.
Jessica, 你这么善解人意,一定明白的。
Jessica: Yeah. I guess I should be more considerate.
YM: 哦,原来善解人意就是 considerate. 我其实特别明白你朋友的心情,我感同身受。Hmm, 这个“感同身受”用美语要怎么说呢?
Jessica: You can say it strikes a chord. Strike is spelled s-t-r-i-k-e; and chord, c-h-o-r-d, chord. If something strikes a chord, it means it evokes a _7_________________________________________. 就是你说的感同身受。
YM: 原来是这样! Yes, _8___________________________________________________________.
Jessica: You know, Yumiao, I think you are ri