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It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar essful results (Bloom, 1976, pp. 12-16).
Gagne (1977, pp. 38-41) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instruction events.
The advantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show plex interrelations between independent variables (Bryman & Crammer, 1990, pp. 135-139).
Studies of the good language learner (for example, Naiman, Frohlich, Stern, and Todesco, 1978, pp. 49-52) have tried to identify the strategies which essful learners use (first citation) (Ellis, 1994, p. 37).
Naiman et al. (1978, pp. 49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case ‘effort’ on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citation) (Ellis, 1994, p. 512).
Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70’s have found that students’ learning es to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, 1979, 1987).
The major finding from the earlier studies (Barley, 1969, 1970; Clement et al., 1978; Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Gliksman, 1976; Spolsky, 1969) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement that those with an instrumen


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