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【英文原著类】a new philosophy henri bergson(新哲学).pdf

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【英文原著类】a new philosophy henri bergson(新哲学).pdf


文档介绍:A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson
A New Philosophy:
Henri Bergson
By Edouard le Roy
A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson
This little book is due to two articles published under the same title in
the "Revue des Deux Mondes", 1st and 15th February 1912.
Their object was to present Mr Bergson's philosophy to the public at
large, giving as short a sketch as possible, and describing, without too
minute details, the general trend of his movement. These articles I have
here reprinted intact. But I have added, in the form of continuous notes,
some additional explanations on points which did e within the
scope of investigation in the original sketch.
I need hardly add that my work, though thus plete, does not in
any way claim to be a profound critical study. Indeed, such a study,
dealing with a thinker who has not yet said his last word, would today be
premature. I have simply aimed at writing an introduction which will
make it easier to read and understand Mr Bergson's works, and serve as a
preliminary guide to those who desire initiation in the new philosophy.
I have therefore firmly waived all the paraphernalia of technical
discussions, and have made parisons, learned or otherwise,
between Mr Bergson's teaching and that of older philosophies.
I can conceive no better method of misunderstanding the point at issue,
I mean the simple unity of productive intuition, than that of pigeon-holing
names of systems, collecting instances of resemblance, making up
analogies, and specifying ingredients. An original philosophy is not
meant to be studied as a mosaic which takes to pieces, pound which
analyses, or a body which dissects. On the contrary, it is by considering
it as a living act, not as a rather clever discourse, by examining the
peculiar excellence of its soul rather than the formation of its body, that
the inquirer will eed in understanding it. Properly speaking, I have
only applied to Mr Bergson the method which he himself just