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弥尔顿失乐园英文评述paradise lost.doc

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弥尔顿失乐园英文评述paradise lost.doc

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弥尔顿失乐园英文评述paradise lost.doc


文档介绍:Paradise Lost

Melton's magnum opus, the blank-verse epic poem Paradise Lost, posed by the blind and impoverished Milton from 1658 to 1664 (first edition) with small but significant revisions published in 1674 (second edition). As a blind poet, Milton dictated his verse to a series of aides in his employ. It has been argued that the poem reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet affirms an ultimate optimism in human potential.
The extract from Paradise Lost ids mainly talking about: Mammon who was the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven, discovered and robbed wealth with evil and greed from earth to build his paradise. When he was in Heaven, he was preferred gold and pavement other than admiring holy and bright side. This time, Mammon educated people to be greed and evil. He led a group of people to seize treasure from the mother of earth. With spade and pickax, all the miseducated men were devoted to trenching a field or casting a rampart. Soon his group had opened the hill into a spacious wound and gained ribs of gold. Meantime, another team digged many caves, magic flames under caves melted the gold and then pured all those with somewhat magic thicks. At the same time, the third groups had finished various models for architecture. Still with magic power, all the gold in boiled liquid flowed followed pipes of the buildings. It sounds like