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上传人:xxj16588 2017/12/16 文件大小:33 KB





A01. Who, in your view, is the greatest athlete and how does he or she influence the lives of others? Why?
A02. What are the negative social effects of advertisements?
A03. Is there a generation gap between you and your parents? What do you think causes this generation gap? What can be done to solve this problem?
A04. What does the recent royal wedding in Great Britain mean to the public? Why were they so excited about it?
A05. If you became the richest man or woman in China, what kind of life do you think you would lead?
B01. Should romantic relations among students be encouraged? Why or why not?
B02. What does your parents forbid you from doing when you were in senior high school?
B03. What are some of the effective and ineffective methods people use to cope with stress?
B04. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the . Will the isolate us from one another?
B05. If your school asked all the students to wear school uniform, and you were the head teacher. What would you say to persuade the students?
C01. What role does music play in your life? Do you listen to music while studying? Do you think it is a good habit?
C02. Which emperor do you like best in Chinese history?
C03. Some people say. “We learn more outside class than in it” Do you agree?Why or Why not?
C04. Do you think music can affect people’s lives, for examp


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