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文档介绍:Unit8 Surprise endings
gift sign
graduation present
cent search
afford album ;影集
knee goods n.「pl.」商品;货物
chain step
bill draw
set America
comb accuse
wife note ;记录
at last 终于;最终 count
fix…on 集中(目光;注意力等)于 hold out 递出
(be) accused of 被控告…;被指责…
under the name( of ) 用…名字;以…假名
look for 寻找;寻求 instead of 代替
be tired of 对···感到厌烦 pass by 过去
be proud of 为···而自豪 hear about 听说
in return 作为回报 be good with sb. 与某人相处得好
1. gift n. 礼物 present n. 礼物=gift
The gift came as plete surprise(to me). 这件礼物完全出乎(我的)意料。
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 不要对礼物吹毛求疵。
gift n. 天赋,天资
Lang Lang has a of music. 朗朗有音乐天赋。
2. graduation n. 毕业典礼
I saw little or nothing of him after graduation. 毕业后我几乎没有看见过他。
graduate v. 毕业,使毕业 n. 毕业生 graduate from 从…毕业
They high school last year. 他们去年高中毕业。
He is a graduate of Harvard. 他是哈弗大学的毕业生。
3. present n. 礼物
Lucy bought b for Kate’s birthday.
present n. 现在 at present = in the present 现在,目前
I have no enough material in hand . 目前我手头没有足够的资料。
present adj. 出席的
A number of local personalities were present at the meeting. 一些当地名人出席了会议。
4. step n. 脚步声
Tom heard the steps of his father at last, so he rushed to open the door.
step n. 步骤=stage step by step 循序渐进地
Step One, we should make a rough sketch of the story.
He will be promoted . 他将被逐步提高。
5. draw v. 掏出,拔出 draw- drew- drawn draw v. 拖动,拉, 画(线)
draw… from/out of …从…掏出,抽出,拔出
She open the bag and drew some pieces of paper out of it. 她打开包掏出一些纸。
Will you draw the curtain across the window? 把窗帘拉上好吗?
Mary drew a house on the paper. 玛丽在纸上画了一栋房子。
6. set n. 一套,一组 set v. “放, 搁”。set out \set off 出发 set up 建立设立
a set of... 基本意思:一套。set 是可数名词,有复数形式。
There lay that she had always wanted.

7. note n. 笔记,记录 take notes 做笔记
I ‘ve also written some notes und