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英语专业论文 中西消费观的差异.doc

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英语专业论文 中西消费观的差异.doc


文档介绍:An Analysis of the Differences between Sino-American Consumption Concepts from House Purchasing
A Thesis Submitted to
School of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Ningxia University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts
Shi Xuewen
School of Foreign Language and Cultures
Ningxia University
May 12, 2011
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all those who have directed me into the field of English language and provided me with so much guidance, support, and encouragement during my writing of this thesis. My heartfelt gratitude goes to my supervisor, changyan, whose illuminating instruction and valuable suggestion have helped greatly to shape this thesis. Thanks are also due to my parents, it is with their support and encouragement that I could persist in my studies that finally lead to this thesis. And thanks to my friends, who give me constructive advices on some points.
With the increasing development of society and the living standards, house purchasing has e a hot topic in our daily life. The pares two kinds of Sino-American consumption concepts from house purchasing, and gets a further understanding of the reasons for that. The thesis shows that geographic elements, society development, technological factor, political and economical factor as well as education and entertainments factors play a very important role in the formation of Sino-American conception concepts.
Key words: house purchasing, consumption concepts, differences, reasons
关键词:购房, 消费观念,不同,原因
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
2 literature Review 1
3 Sino-American Consumption Concepts from House Purchasing 2
Sino-American Consumption Concepts 2
Differences between Sino-American Consumption Concepts 4
4 R