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《荒岛生存》(stranded ) 攻略(《荒岛生存》 (stranded ) 攻略).doc

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《荒岛生存》(stranded ) 攻略(《荒岛生存》 (stranded ) 攻略).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/7/18 文件大小:37 KB


《荒岛生存》(stranded ) 攻略(《荒岛生存》 (stranded ) 攻略).doc


文档介绍:《荒岛生存2》(stranded 2) 攻略(《荒岛生存2》(stranded 2) 攻略)
Survival of a desert island 2 (Stranded 2)
This article from the 3DM forum to sort xuan. I also forward, I hope that there are interested in this game, we can take less detours.
This game can be downloaded in the forum player mended section.
The --- the --- game
This is a high degree of freedom in the game the first person island type, the story is the protagonist in the sea in a storm, and a ship struck, so that ships on fire, he lost consciousness drift to a desert island. You have to get all the material on this island, and get out of here.
After downloading the game, you will see the files of StrandedII, StrandedII -win and StrandedII -win -debug
StrandedII is a full screen game
StrandedII -win is playing in windowed mode
StrandedII -win -debug is a window mode and Debug mode game, but it should not be used. The most obvious difference is anisms have names and actions.
After entering the main title screen, there are several options:
Advance enters the desert island survival mode (story story)
Random Island enters a randomly created island for survival or hunting
The top is the size of the adjustment, according to the order: small, medium and large
The middle is the terrain, and the order is: general, small hills, mountains, deserts, snow, swamps
There are four patterns at the bottom, in order: endless survival patterns - simple, endless survival patterns - general, endless survival patterns - difficulties, raptor hunters
PS: the endless survival mode is to live on an island (the size of the proposal is medium, small, really small... The pattern of difficulty is estimated to be killed by the lion at the start.
There are a lot of food, water and therapeutic drugs on the simple model. There are no dangerous animals on the island, and there's a lot of resources. It's a holiday resort.
There is only a little food and water in the general pattern, and there are some dangerous animals on the island. The r


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