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文档介绍:Human Reproduction pp. 1–11,Hum. 2007 Reprod. Advance Access published October 23, 2007 doi:
Differentially expressed genes in human endometrial
endothelial cells derived from eutopic endometrium
of patients with pared with those
from patients without endometriosis
G. Sha1,, L. Zhang3, X. Chen3, M. Lei2, H. Sun2, S. Lin1 and J. Lang1,4
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences, Peking, People’s Republic of China; 2Beijing Huada Gene Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking,
People’s Republic of China; 3Capitalbio Corporation, National Engineer Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology, Peking,
People’s Republic of China
4Correspondence address. Tel: þ86-10-65296201; Fax: þ86-10-65296212; E-mail: langjinghe@
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of endometriosis remains poorly defined. The aberrant angiogenesis that occurs in
eutopic endometrium may play a role in the lesion formation and survival. The difference in gene expression profile
between human endometrial endothelial cells (HEECs) from eutopic endometria of patients with and without endome-
triosis would be a factor that affects the occurrence of endometriosis. METHODS: To explore the difference, we per-
formed in vitro culture and identified the endothelial origin, as well as observed growth features, of HEECs from the
two different sources. We also identified their differences in gene expression profiles bined suppression subtrac-
tive hybridization (SSH) with Genechip, and confirmed the results by quantitative reverse transcription–polymerase
chain reaction. RESULTS: The HEECs derived from endometriosis patients exhibited a potent survival ability in
pared with those from non-endometriosis patients. In the HEECs from EM patients, an altered secretion
pattern of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and up-regulation of GREM1 were found. These findings may