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文档介绍:密级:学校代码:10075 分类号:学号:20120667 翻译硕士学位论文纽约中央公园介绍翻译实践报告学位申请人: 刘娜指导教师:张士民 教授学位类别:翻译硕士学科专业:英语笔译 授予单位:河北大学答辩日期:二○一四年六月 Classified Index: COAD: 10075 NO: 20120667 A Dissertation for the Degree of MTI A Practice Report on the Translation of Introduction to American Central Park Candidate: Liu Na Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Shimin Academic Degree Applied for: MTI Specialty: English Translation University: Hebei UniversityData of Oral Examination: June, 2014 摘要II摘 要本翻译实践报告以笔者翻译的美国中央公园的英文介绍为实践基础,是对此次翻译任务的过程和效果所做的介绍、分析和总结。本次翻译任务属于旅游文本,形式为英译汉。提交译稿后,导师给出的指导意见是译文基本准确,语言比较自然、通顺,文采还需进一步提高。报告主要由任务描述、过程描述、译前准备、案例分析、实践总结五个部分构成。在任务描述中,介绍了本次翻译任务的内容、客户要求、目标读者、完成时间等。过程描述部分对整个的翻译过程进行了概括,并且列出了笔者遇到的困难和解决方案,从而提出翻译中应注意的问题。译前准备部分将中、英文两种语言的旅游文本做了比较,并总结了原文本的基本特征和独有的特征,介绍了翻译目的论三原则,以此理论指导实际的翻译工作。案例分析主要是讨论翻译中如何贯彻目的论三原则,如何采取归化和异化等变通和补偿的翻译策略。在翻译实践总结中笔者强调了旅游翻译需要译者有较强的跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力,要能够根据不同的文本和翻译目的确定恰当的翻译原则。关键词 美国中央公园介绍旅游文本翻译翻译目的论三原则Abstract IIIIAbstract This translation practice report is based on the translation practice of the English introduction of American Central Park from its official website. It is about the introduction, analysis and summary of process pletion of the translation task. The task is to translate the English tourism text into Chinese. ments of my tutor on the draft translation are that the language is relatively accurate and fluent but not up to the literary grace that is expected. The translation practice report posed of five parts: Task Description, Process Description, Preparations before Translation, Case Analysis and Practice Summary. In the part of Task Description, it introduces the content, customer requirements, target readers, completion time of the translation task. The part of Process Description summarizes the whole process of translation, lists the difficulties which the writer encountered in translation and the solutions to them, and puts forward the points for attention in the course of translation. In the third part o