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文档介绍:四川外国语大学课程论文 1 1 ×××××××××××××××××××× 装订线×××××××××××××××××××× 四川外国语大学 2013 - 2014 学年第一学期《学术论文写作》课程论文系部: 国际关系学院年级: 2010 级班级: 姓名: 学号: (课程论文题目) 《永别了,武器》中雨的意向第页共页总分教师签名复核四川外国语大学课程论文 2 2 摘要本论文按小说故事情节的发展分为五个部分,从对作者及其作品的简要分析着笔,在向读者简单介绍作品情节的基础上逐一对文中男女主人公相遇,相识,相知,分别,重逢,永别等不同场景中的“雨”进行了剖析。他运用严峻的现实主义结合富有诗意的语言,对战争作了有力的抨击,同时向读者讲诉了一个动人的爱情故事。本文以对文中“雨”的意象分析为基础来研究《永别了,武器》。文中的不同场景下的“雨”不仅向我们展示了绝望,抑郁,悲伤,离别,焦虑,无助,而且还有死亡...结合不同场景中“雨”所反映出的不同意象探索小说的主题——战争摧毁了人类的幸福。文章标题点明告别了硝烟弥漫的战场,实际上,也暗示着告别爱情,由此推出“迷惘的一代”对“厌恶战争,呼吁和平”的衷心呼唤。 KEY WORDS: 雨,意象,死亡,分别,战争,和平,爱四川外国语大学课程论文 3 3 ABSTRACT The exploration of the theme is made in five parts with the development of the plots. Starting from the brief analysis of the author and the work, the paper analyzes “ rain ” in the different scenarios of the story involving the hero and heroine ’s encounter, acquaintance, departure, reunion and farewell. A Farewell to Arms as the representative work of Ernest Hemingway bination of realism and poetic language presenting a powerful argument against war and telling a touching love story at the same time. This paper will make a thematic study onA Farewell to Arms based on the analysis of the image of rain in the novel. The image shows usnot only the desperation, depression, sentiment, parting, anxiety, helplessness ,but also death … The image of rain in the different scenarios of the story is used to strike directly to the subject of the novel that is war destroys human being ’s happiness. The title reveals that it isa story showing a farewell to battlefield, in fact it demonstrates a farewell to love, which, in turn expresses the heartfelt desire of the “ Lost Generation ” at that time —“ aversion to war and call for peace ”. KEY WORDS: rain, image, death, parting, war, peace , love 四川外国语大学课程论文 4 4 C ontents Thesis Statement: This paper will make a thematic study onA Farewell to Arms based on the analysis of the image of rain in the novel. The image shows usnot only the desperation, depression, sentiment, parting, anxiety,


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