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外 文 翻 译 - 外文翻译.doc


文档介绍:Underwater welding technology trends in the 21st century   
Though, the above method of underwater welding has been since its emergence, have to rely on their respective strengths in a particular area has been applied. But for now the research of underwater welding underwater welding can not fully meet the requirements of the future construction should be done focuses on the following aspects:
(1) From the welding metallurgy and welding quality assurance point of view, dry underwater welding is most favorable, so in recent years, high-pressure dry underwater welding technology is further developed, but still can not meet the actual demand. At present, the theoretical study for high-voltage arc is not plete, multi-information fusion technology to achieve intelligent control of the welding process has e the field of high pressure dry welding a new topic.
(2) Underwater welding robot as the particularity of the work environment, an increase of underwater welding robot application difficulty. The future of underwater welding robot should be able plete the welding of the pretreatment, welding and weld inspection work, therefore, should strive to do, including the precise positioning of underwater robot, robot arm motion control technology, based on visual sensor spatial location of the weld system detection, tracking and underwater welding quality control aspects of the work.


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