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文档介绍:重庆邮电大学计算机科学与技术学院本科毕业设计(论文) I ( 此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改! ) 光缆线路工程设计摘要当今的通信方式是以光纤通信为主,微波、卫星通信为辅的格局。也正因如此,光纤通信的发展显得越发重要。随着国际互连网等信息技术的普及应用,加之由于经济的快速发展,人们对通信的需求更加强烈,这要求光纤通信向着大容量,高速率,远距离方向迅猛发展。光网络的发展又使得光缆的新结构不断涌现, 新一代的全光网络要求光缆提供更宽的带宽、容纳更多的波长、传送更高的速率、便于安装维护、使用寿命更长等。由此光缆的种类也趋于多样化,对一些特殊环境更有特种光缆来满足特殊的要求。随着中央政府加大对农村经济的扶持和投资,贵州黔西南州的经济得到快速发展,广大农民的富裕度得到迅速的提高,人们在生活、商贸、工作中对移动通信的需求越来越大,对通信质量要求也越来越高;因此贵州通信服务公司本着回报社会的态度,决定加大对农村的投入,扩大信号覆盖面,为百姓的经济发展服务,于是提出了安龙等村通二期工程。光缆线路工程设计的研究表明,在同一地区的不同地段,对于光纤和路由的选取、敷设都是不同的, 根据具体的现场情况和经济、建设要求做出正确的、合理的选择,是保证光纤通信系统长期、稳定、安全工作的前提。对于光缆的敷设也有各种具体的要求,同样保证光纤通信的正常工作。系统的调试开通与验收,后期的维护都是光缆工程必不可少的工作。【关键词】:光缆线路,光纤,工程设计,概、预算重庆邮电大学计算机科学与技术学院本科毕业设计(论文) II ABSTRACT Today'munication is based on optical fiber munications, microwave and munications supplemented this reason, the development of munication is ing more and more important. As international and other information technologies widely used, And because of the rapid economic development, for munications needs of more intense, require munication toward large-capacity, high-speed, the rapid development of long-range direction. The development of work cable also makes the new structure will continue to emerge. The new generation of all-optical work requirements for wider bandwidth to modate more wavelengths and higher transmission rate, ease of installation and maintenance, such as longer life type of cable is also tending to diversify ,for some special environment more special cable to meet special requirements. Along with the central government to increase rural economic support and investment, the Guizhou Qianxinan ’s economic have got rapid development, The wealth of the majority of farmers was rapidly increased, people in life, business, work on the munication growing demand for munications are increasingly high requirements; Therefore munications pany in return society's attitude and decided to increase their investment in rural areas and expand signal coverage, for the people in the