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文档介绍:必答题 here are _____________ stars on the flag of the US. ( 50) 2. How often do the Olympic Games be held? ( Every four years ) 3. What kind of dog can't bark (吠)? (hot dog ) 4. The five rings of the Olympic Games has ________ 、________ 、_________ 、________ 、________ , five colors .( red yellow blue green black ) 5. __________ the longest river in the world .( Nile ) 6. _________________ the capital of Australia .( Canberra ) is the first day ofa week ?(Sunday ) 8. Which c ity is called “ Big Apple ”?( New York ) 9. Which number is unlucky in western country ?_______(13 ) 10. You call your Grand father ’s mother _____________( Great -grand mother ) 11. Mother ’s Day is on _____________ ( On the second Sunday of May ) letter can fly? (B) 13. “ woof !woof !” It’s the sound of ___________.(dog ) have ____________ in Spring Festival. ( Lantern Festival) differences between “ here ” and “ there ” is _____________(the letter “T”) 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing English Slogan ( 口号)?( One world ,One dream ) can we see countries without people , towns without houses and rivers without water? (on a map ) 19 .What animal carry two hills on its back ? (camel ) 20. Some kind of animals has two long ears , two red eyes ,a short tail and white fur , It’s __________(rabbit ) 抢答题 What is too much for two ,and just right for one ?(A) A. Time


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