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Lecture 1 Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials IBiodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials.pdf

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Lecture 1 Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials IBiodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials.pdf

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Lecture 1 Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials IBiodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials.pdf


文档介绍:Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2003
Lecture 1: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I:
Biodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials
Today: course overview and administrative details
Intro to concepts covered
Chemistry and physical chemistry of biodegradable polymeric solids
Hand-outs: course syllabus
Course administrative details
Reading: “Third-Generation Biomedical Materials,” . Hench and . Polak, Science 295, 1014
Ratner, 64-72
Ratner 243-259
Supplementary Reading: Young and Lovell, ‘Introduction to Polymers,’ Polymer Structure
Course Overview
Definition of Biomaterials for this course:
Materials designed for application to problems in biological engineering or biotechnology. This includes materials
comprised of purely ‘synthetic’ or ‘natural’/’biological’ components, but will focus primarily on hybrid materials that make
posed of both.
-not ‘off the shelf’
-our objective is to cover the chemistry and physics of these materials
How can biomaterials solve problems in Biological Engineering?
1. Model systems for studying biology
a. Both in vitro and in vivo models (SLIDE)
(Lauffenburger/Griffith labs1:)
Lecture 1 – Introduction
Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2003
2. Therapeutic devices (SLIDE)
a. Drug delivery
1. small molecules, peptides, and proteins, and DNA (gene therapy)
b. tissue engineering/regenerative medicine
3. Analytical devices
a. Biosensors
1. glucose sensors
2. toxin detection
…or something in between (1), (2), and (3): (SLIDE)
(Prof. Giffith’s lab3)
Overview of topics and viewpoint (syllabus summary) (SLIDE)
1. Biodegradable polymeric solids
2. Controlled release from solid polymers
3. hydrogels
4. bioceramics and posites
5. hybrid biological/synthetic molecules
6. stimuli-responsive biomaterials
-we’ll try to plementary to other biomaterials c


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