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A Detailed Study of Figures of Speech in English.ppt

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A Detailed Study of Figures of Speech in English.ppt

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A Detailed Study of Figures of Speech in English.ppt


文档介绍:A Detailed Study of Figures of Speech in English
By Yu Bing/于冰
Teaching objectives
a. Students can identify, analyze and appreciate different kinds of rhetorical devices(修辞手段) used in a passage.
b. Students are sensible in employing those rhetorical devices learnt in class in position.
Course Requirements
Full attendance
Regular attendance is critical to this course.  If you miss more than three class sessions, your final grade for the course will be reduced by one point per class session. For example, if you miss five class sessions this semester, and your final grade is a 95, it will be bumped down to a 90. 
Importantly, there is no distinction between "excused" and "unexcused" absences—they are all absences, and they all count the same way. In the event that you do miss a class session, you are responsible for making up any in-class work. You are also responsible for finding out about any homework assignments pleting them on time.  
Do not expect to be able to hand in something late or not do an assignment because you were absent on the day it was assigned or due. 
plete this course essfully, you must attend class, complete all major assignments on time, prepare for class, and participate in class activities and discussions.
You cannot receive a passing grade unless you have submitted all major assignments.
Late homework will happily be accepted, but you will be penalized and you will lose 5 points for each one late or not submitted.
Finally, you must keep copies of all your assignments. If you do not keep a copy and your assignment gets lost or misplaced (It's never happened to me yet, but it could happen.), you will have to rewrite it.
Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism(剽窃).
Hiring ghost writers, submitting assignments written by others, and using textual materials as if they were yours are all contrary to University regulations.
If you engage in academic dishonesty or plagiarism, the consequences can be severe: depending on t


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