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文档介绍:足坛明星的经典语录感受球星另一面在现代足球的发展中, 诞生了许多伟大的球员和教练, 无论是荣誉满载的还是壮志未酬的, 不论是极具魅力型的, 还是朴实无华型的, 或多或少留下了一些经典语录, 感受球星们最真实的一面。罗伊. 基恩: 没做好准备, 那就是准备好失败。( Fail to prepare to fail. ) 克鲁伊夫: 足球很简单, 但想要替的简单很难。(er is simple .But it is difficult to play simple.) 温格: 如果你不相信你能成功, 那你真的是一点机会都没有了。(If you do not believe you can do it, then you have no chance at all.) 博格坎普: 每一次出球之前, 都要想好该怎么做。(Behind every kick of the ball, there has to bea thought.) 古利特:只有当你退出了,才能停止学****You only stop learning whenyou quit.) 范尼斯特鲁伊:我的字典里没有失败者单词。(Losing is not in my vocabulary.) 弗格森:我的一生永不满足与平局。(I have never played for a draw in my life.) 比尔. 香克利: 有些人认为足球是一个生死攸关的问题。我向你保证, 足球高于生死。(Some people think football isa matter of life and death . I assure you ,it is much more serious than that.) 梅西: 为了梦想你必须去奋斗。你不得不为此努力和做出牺牲。(You have to fight to reach your have to sacrifice and work hard for it.) 马拉多纳: 我的人生非黑即白, 从来没有灰色地带。(I am black or white, Iwill never be grey in my life.) 普拉蒂尼: 对于我来说, 足球就是在正确的时候做出正确的传球。(For me football is more about making the right pass at the right time.) 齐达内: 我们都很清楚就下来的比赛会很艰难, 但我们都梦想着去踢着比赛。(We are well aware of the task ahead of us in what will bea very difficult match but which we all dream of playing.) 坎通纳: 我对我的成就感到骄傲, 但生活不能建立在回忆之上。(I am proud of what I achieved there ,but a life built on memories is not much ofa life.) 贝利:我有时辗转难眠时会思考我为什么还那么受欢迎。老实说,我真不知道。(I sometimes lie awake at night and wonder why I am s