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文档介绍:4 希望本文的研究,能够为解决当前我国社会过度的利益分化问题提供有价值的参考。【关键词】利益分化影响经济社会发展利益协调机制 5 Abstract Interest differentiation is panied by emergence of the social transformation of our society caused by structural changes in the relationships between people with vested interests and the interests of the rapidly expanding gap between the process. Interests of the differentiation of the economic and social development of China has the dual positive and negative effects, how to make a positive impact, to prevent the negative impact of over-spread as far as possible and minimize its negative effects, which has e an inevitablerealisticissue at this stage oftime. this paper deploys an research on the differentiation of interestsand China's current economic and social development. Since reform and opening, with the socialist market economic system gradually established and perfected, China began prehensive and profound social transformation, the original integrity of the social benefits and the average structure is broken, the social interests of the pattern of plexity of situation , accelerated expansion and differentiation of social interests and showed a trend of the main interests and needs of diverse interests, the interests of the diversity of access channels, the gap between the interests of the expansion, the open contradictions and conflicts of interest, interest of balance of mind and a series of features. Differentiated by the contents of the interests of the different interests and displays the material interests and political interests and cultural interests of differentiation, specifically, the substance of the differentiation of mainly central and local, between regions, between urban and rural areas, enterprises of different ownership sectors between the interests of differentiation; differentiation of political interests, mainly for the main developed areas in different regions and backward areas of political interests, political interests and demands of urban and r


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