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文档介绍:内容摘要 Ys78“7 清代中叶女词人顾太清,一生命运坎坷,几经沉浮。她执着地追求诗词艺术,作品数量丰厚。其作品清灵、淡然、柔美,有着明显的伤感风格,充分体现了中国古代女性作家创作之特色,可称之为清代女性作家的杰出代表。但由于历史的种种原因及以男性文化为中一心的价值标准,致使她的作品术被人们全面、真实、客观地了解、重视和接受。本文拟以女性文学评沦视角,将其作品与已被人们首肯的女作家李清照,蔡琰及秋瑾的作品相比较,初探其遭受冷遇的原因所在,以期能够重新探究其作品所独有的艺术魅力。柏较于同时期的男性作家纳兰性德、奕绘, 在对女性的抒写中,顾太清的作品要更加细腻而深刻,表现了她作为女性作家对女性生存状况的深刻思考与体认。其创作目的具有纯粹性、情感具有深婉性,成为中国女性文学史画廊的重要景观,值得深入研究。关键词:顾太清纳兰性德清灵交绘淡然女性柔美纯女rE文学 Abs n·act Gu Taiqmg,a t’cmalepoet inmid—Qing Oynasly,went—through n1:my hardships andsufl'el‘lngs inhe lilbInspite ofthis,she who had been sticking to seeking forthe al_Iofpoetl Y Shewas apl’ohlic poet She conveyed akmd of elegance,unconvertioll0.[grace,lilatulal lellderness and appalenl sentirnentality init,she was alloutstanding repl esentaliveoffemale WI itel‘sill Qing Dynasty Her works fullypresented thetypical featm es ofthe ihninme gem eillAncient China However,OvVlllg to avariety ofhistoric reasons and the criteriaformale—oriented cutural we)’kswere riotrecongmzed andappreciated in andco,npt ehensive view This lheslsplums tomake acompm isonbelween Cu。S works and the WOIksof soInc acknowleged lbmale、vI‘lfel_S sucil as Zhao.(、aI Van andQiu Jinfiom ment ol、fermaleliteratme and strives tofind OUt why Cu。SW01+kswere neglected And also Imake parison between 1letlWOIks andthemale\vritelS‘WOIks as Na Lan X111IJc and Yi pm atively TaiQin91S nlol e exqimte and profound 011 thc dese!q_)tion el’t?emales And such kmd【,I desm‘,ption reflected her onsideration and deep undm standing about female’Sliving 。Cleaholl,with tilecharacteristics ot、pute onception and profound gelltIoness,isbeing 1-ecognized tobe an impel‘rant inonul]lellt illtimhistory of Ibmale IiteratuIe inchma,thus WOIthy ot’bcmg studiedJhlthely Keyword:Gu Taiqmg tenderness fi:mininity elegatlce Na L:.111 Xing De puI_e female literatm e IlllCOl|Vel tionalgl。ace Yi Hul 情若柔丝意似淡菊一一论清代女词人顾太清诗词创作艺术成就与审美风貌引中国古代文学足一个浩瀚无小的星空,几干年来无数男性作家和女性作家以他们绚丽多姿的翰创作,必同建构