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虚词,不独用,仅 附名词前,即“帽”
“一个”I M “这那个这那些”不用冠词
元音前用 an不然用a
辅音前读[e?] 元音前读[e?]
在某些专有/抽象/ 物质
man in white is university teacher.
A. aB. anC.
Could you please tell me where I can get dictionary?(2010年石家庄市桥西摸底)
A. aB. anC. theD. /
This is useful and interesting game, though it is kind of difficult。。年石市毕业班调研检测 )
A. aB. anC.
Where is dictionary? I can't find it.(10年石市要点中学摸底大联考)
A. aB. . /
earth is our only home now.(2010年石家庄市初中毕业班模拟考试)
A. AB. AnC.
India and China are of same continent.(2010裕华区模拟测试 )
A. An, aB. An, theC. /, aD. /, the
This is story I've told 't it interesting one? (10年第 42 中学二模)
A. a; theB. The; anC. the; aD. the; the
Planting apple trees is interesting work, don' t you think so?年第(1042 中学一模拟)
A. aB. anC. theD. /
Who is young man with long hair? (2010年唐山路北四模 )
A. aB. anC theD. /
A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers second . (2010 年唐山路北一模 )
. theC. aD. an
Over the river there is 11-meter-long wooden bridge. (2010年唐山路南二模 )
A. aB. anC.
-Is English-Chinese dictionary on the desk yours? (2010年唐山路南三模 )
-No, I don't have English-Chinese dictionary. I use an English-English dictionary.
A. an; anB. an; theC. the; anD. the; the
He is university student and he comes from island in England. (2010年唐山路南一模 )
A. an; anB. an; aC. a; anD. a; a
My mother bought me useful dictionary yesterday. (2010年石家庄桥东摸底 )
A. anB. aC.
-Who's young man with long hair? (2010年石家庄 23 中模拟)
-He is a friend of mine.
A. aB. theC. anD. /
What useful invention it is! (2010年石家庄 28 中三检)
A. aB. anC. theD./
Leo is unusual boy. He always has some special ideas. (2010 年石家庄 28 中质检)
A. aB. anC.
My mother often tells me to be honest student. (2010 年衡水模拟 )
A. anB. aC. theD. /
My mother tells me to be honest child. (2010 年邢台模拟 )
A. aB. anC. theD./
Have you had breakfast yet? (2010 年张家 口二模 )
A. aB. anC.
China is old country with long hist