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上传人:mama1 2022/5/21 文件大小:13 KB




As a woman who grew up in the city, I yearned for the pastoral country life. Recently, I this environment theme, and Border Town is one of the representatives.
The story takes place in a remote town with beautiful scenery and simple humanity in Xiangxi. Even in the war years, the town still has a pure land. It tells the story of what happened between Cuicui and his grandfather, Tianbao, the old man, and the old man. Taking Cuicui's feelings as the main line, it depicts the vivid social customs, beautiful environment and simple human feelings in Xiangxi, and vividly shows the beauty of customs and humanity in Xiangxi.
After studying Border Town, I can't help being attracted by the beautiful environment and simple amorous feelings of Xiangxi, drawing beautiful pictures in my brain, intoxicated by the green mountains and green waters, intoxicated by the fiery heat of Dragon Boat Festival and the simple emotion between people, and my heart fluctuates with Cuicui's words and deeds, rejoicing for her and mourning for her.
After watching Border Town for a while, my heart got there, and I didn't realize that the whole person was much simpler!
However, there is no perfect thing in this world, even the border town! China's ancient culture, which has been inherited and precipitated for thous