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上传人:春天的故事 2022/5/29 文件大小:15 KB




Thousands of miles give the goose feather, the ceremony is light and the affection is heavheap man, but a good old man.
Friends need your help today, never wait till tomorrow.
Learning without friends is lonely and ignorant.
Every patient has his own trouble.
Helping people should start from daily matters, not because they are good and small.
Do not do evil because it is small.
Keep a certain distance between friends, so that friendship will last forever.
I am old and old, young and young.
The peach blossom pond is more than a thousand feet deep than Wang Lun sent me.
Sincerity can call a stone to shed tears.
Help others forget, others help yourself.
A coward gives a friend to a hangman.
Good things must be allowed, but bad things should not be pushed.
The poor are alone, and the best are the best.
Three fences for a fence, three for a hero.
Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a real treasure.
Helping others helps themselves.


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