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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/6/24 文件大小:33 KB




多阅读一些短篇的英语美文,对于我们英语阅读实力的提高会有所协助,2022年看看挚友圈有什么优秀英语美文呢?为协助大家学****便利,我收集整理了挚友圈英语美文摘抄5篇,盼望er the possibilities ofexpansion.
It is fine to start working from the kitchen table but what happens whenthings start to takeoff and you still do not want to have an office space? wheredo you place the home office? Ifyou have the space, I highly suggest a room untoitself. This permits you to close the door andseparate your personal life frombusiness. You are able to leave everything you are working onright where it isinstead of shaving to clean-up for dinner or to go to bed. These clean-upstepscan lead to problems down the road. where you anchor the home office isimportant foryour future success. A corner in the living room, bedroom or atticis preferable if you do nothave a room solely for your business. Reasons for theseparation include fewer distractions andthe ability to think and focus moreclearly.

And you may have to have one or two clients come to your office in thelifetime of yourbusiness. Even though it is your home, you want to present thebest professional atmospherepossible, which is very important if you have peopleworking with you. Their productivity isimportant to your bottom line. Invest inthe appropriate chairs, tables, lighting and ventilationbefore you invest in thepaper clips and the stapler. If you are not comfortable, neither you noryouremployees will stay there and finish the job. Bottom line: Your employees dontwant tointeract or become a part of your family issues. It is fine to haveemployees in your home butjust make sure you supply them with the best workingatmosphere possible.

So, be a boss of your own a


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