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文档介绍:1998 Passage 1
imagination / i7mAdVi5neiFEn / (想象;想象力)←imagin(e)想象+tion名词后缀。Imagination is more important than 。imagination —①the highest kite one can fly ②a poor substitute for experience 想象——①一个人能放得最高的风筝②经验的劣质替代品。
symbol / 5simbEl / (符号;象征)即sym+bol,sym-共同,bol看作ball,“共同喜欢球类运动”→这是现代人的“象征”。Light is the symbol of 。
cement / si5ment / (;;胶接剂)。A sweet and pliance is the cement of 。
deprive / di5praiv / ()即de+priv+e,de-(=away),priv词根“个人的”(如private→priv+ate→私人的),“使某物离开个人”→剥夺。Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand ,空袋子是难以直立的。
persist / pE(:)5sist / (,持续)即per+sist,per-“完全”,sist词根“站立”,于是“自始至终都站着”→坚持。参consistently(始终如一地),1999年Passage 5。To persist in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in 。
complex / 5kCmpleks / (复杂的;综合的;联合体)即com+-“一起”,plex词根“重叠”,“重叠在一起的”→复杂的。参perplex(使困惑,使复杂化)←per完全+plex,2003年Text 2。Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time plex than you ,同时比你想象的复杂。
go-ahead ,允许。
wrong-headed 执迷不悟的。
environmental / in7vaiErEn5mentl / (周围的,环境的)←environment环境+al形容词后缀。What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his environment. Obviously, such states cannot mon, for the environment is in constant ?不过是一种状态,处于这种状态的人刚好一时对环境完全适应。这种状态显然不可能常见,因为环境是在不断改变的。environment — everything that isn't me 环境——除我以外的一切。
proper / 5prCpE / (适当的;合乎体统的;固有的)。Proper words in proper places make the true definition of 。A fool, indeed, has great need of a title; it teaches men to call him count or duke, and thus forget his proper name of ,那使人们称他为伯爵或公爵,从而忘掉他固有的名字——傻瓜。
resolve / ri5zClv / (;解决;决议)←re+solve解决。同根词:dissolve(;解散)←dis+solve。The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great ,是因为他立志要成为伟人。
conflict /