愚人节英语手抄报资料april fool’s da-愚人节hen did this ustom start? aording to a ell-researhed stor of the origin of the da, it as started in 1545 b a rather unfortunate aident. a noregian sientist, loof lirpa, as staing in london, here he as tring to find the seret of ho to fl.愚人节的风俗源于何时呢?据一个多方考证其起源的故事说,此风俗起源于1545年,是由一个不幸的事故引起的。一位叫卢夫勒尔帕的挪威科学家当时住在英国的伦敦,想在那里找到飞行的秘密。the sientist as eentri, but there as no doubt that he as lever. it seems that his experiments ere suessful: king henr viii reeived a letter from mr lirpa, in hih he announed that he had finall solved the seret of flight. he asked the king to be present at a demonstration flight at estminster on april
1.这位科学家性格古怪,但无疑他是很聪明的。他的飞行试验似乎取得了成功,因为国王亨利八世收到了勒尔帕先生的信。信中说,他已找到了飞行的秘密,请国王于4月1日在威斯敏斯特宫看他的飞行表演。so the king and the leading politiians of the da stood outside the palae of estminster on april 1 and aited for mr lirpa to e fling past. but nothing happened and it b