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Saber 200磁心材质库:.doc

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Saber 200磁心材质库:.doc



文档介绍:Saber 2007磁心材质库:
Core Materials Library
A library of materials for nonlinear cores is provided. This involves
specifying argument values that define the characteristics of the
material's B-H curve.
The material argument appears in the nonlinear core templates (corenl and
corenl2) under the name matl. It is a string argument, meaning that you
specify its value by entering the name of the desired core material from
the library between double quotation marks, " ". The template then uses
this string value to look up the material in the library, find the data
that characterizes it, and use that data in the template.
The material library presently contains characterization data for the
following materials (see the References). The string name of the material
is shown between double quote marks (" "). In addition, the MAST Template
Library contains inductors and transformers that use cores with these
Material Manufacturer Name String Name
Ferrite ponents 3B7 "3B7"
ponents 3C8 "3C8"
ponents 3C85 "3C85"
ponents 3D3 "3D3"
ponents 3E2A "3E2A"
ponents 3F3 "3F3"
ponents 4C4 "4C4"
ponents 3B9 "3B9"
ponents 3C6A "3C6A"
Silicon-Iron Laminate ic Metals 3% Silicon Iron, 1 50 EI "si_re"
Square Permalloy ics Square Permalloy 80, 50 038 5d "sq_perm_80"
一间非线性核心的材料图书馆被提供。这包括叙述定义材料 B-H 曲线的特性的争论
物质的争论在非线性核心型板(corenl 和